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About me


My name is Jordan Ray and like the name of my blog, I feel that I am a chic gypsy (or I try to be most days!). I truly have a passion for fashion and all things fashionable (whether it be worn or not).


I am a full-time high school English teacher, part time lifestyle blogger. 


I am a newlywed who loves spending time with my husband, Dusty and our boston terrier, Madison. I love nothing more than going for a run, having a glass of wine on my front porch, cooking, and spending time with my friends. 


I am very passionate about finding things to do that are trendy, fun, and different. Especially if they're new to the SBC, or a hidden gem long since forgotten or untapped by my generation.  I was born and raised in the SBC and I feel everywhere that is a staple of the city holds a memory for me. The top of the rocketship at Betty Virginia Park will forever be a place of terror for me because I fell from the top of it all the way to the bottom when I was about 3 years old. Airline High School will always hold a special place in my heart because I walked the halls for four very memorable years. And Broadmoor will undoubtably be the most special place to me because it's where my husband and I bought our first home. 


I love the SBC because of how it grows and evolves, and how the people here support one another, whether it's in business or personally. I want to help bring awareness to not only my generation, but the generations surrounding mine that Shreveport Bossier has more to offer than what meets the eye. You just have to know where to look. 


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